Friday, July 3, 2009

The Drama Continues

On Thursday morning our agency got word back from the American Consulate that our homestudy wasn't written correctly and the correct Visa to bring a special needs child into the country wasn't issued. I worked with our Coordinator to put the special needs approval in the homestudy and it is in the "Child Desired" section, but not the "Final Approval" section at the end. So the special needs Visa wasn't issued. The Social Worker that wrote it has emailed USCIS. She says it should be fine and she has never had an issue with her homestudies. I wrote a specific person at USCIS because, not-so-thankfully I have dealt with issues in the recent past. To add to the drama our homestudy agency closed 7/1 so the Social Worker that wrote it is closing up shop. Our new Social Worker is coming on Monday and said she would email the USCIS to encourage them to send the Visa and look into how she could quickly get the right information to them if she needed to. In IL we need DCFS approval on homestudies, so I REALLY hope we wouldn't need that. Now 36 hours later and I don't have any answers.

Also on Thursday morning we got our itinerary, but we can't buy all those tickets without the right Visa. We would be stuck in China, well Xia Yan would be stuck in China. She would be ours as far as China would be concerned, but not yet able to come to America. That can't happen!

We got our Visas today and we are ready to go. Please send a prayer up that we get this Visa!!!

On the other exciting wild ride of life we are on. I had a test to see if I needed urgent surgery and it seems I don't. So I can do that later, like even a year from now.

We had a showing for the house scheduled, but it got cancelled. They want to reschedule next week.

Dave had a work BBQ yesterday so that was fun. Today Dave had off as well and rented a Uhaul and put a bunch of our storage room stuff in a storage unit to make it look roomier. Tomorrow we are still planning, but we are considering going to a hotdog restaurant then seeing Ice Age, then BBQ some burgers. :)

The kids and I ran to Target today. I wanted to get a lil netbook for our trip since they are on sale on their website. They just had 2 to chose from, and none in stock. So I had them call around and nobody had them in stock. We picked out a pool/slide/sprinkler full of fun and some other small trip things. I got to the register and didn't have my wallet. I had it by the computer for online shopping. So back home, and back to the store with the 3 kids. Fun!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

any word on the visa?