Wednesday, June 17, 2009

New Photos AGAIN!

I just got new photos! She was sick on her birthday so they celebrated yesterday. Thankfully she is feeling better. Can you believe that spread!?!?! Goodness. Her birthday cake says "Happy Birthday to Little Swallow". Xia Yan means Summer Swallow. She has a 14 yr old foster sister and 21 yr old foster brother.

Last night after putting the kids to bed we opened our LOA envelope. I have seen pictures of it so I thought a quick signature and off we go on our merry way. Oh, how niave! Shouldn't I have guessed more paperwork. So I have been working on the Visa Application process. I have been just so worked up the last couple days. I couldn't fall asleep last night. I even got out of bed to check if we checked the morning delivery option for the LOA going back to our adoption agency. So more to work through, and working, working, working, and Pop! surprise Xia Yan photos. She looks great! It made me cry of course. It's kind of like some hormonal problems with all these highs and lows. I guess I am kind of in labor. HA!


Taylor said...

your daughter is beautiful praying that this last bit of paper work goes smoothly and you get your TA soon

Sheri_n_Ben said...

She is absolutely beautiful!!! I am so happy for you and your family. What a wonderful gift to get for her to have some day. Those pictures are priceless. I would have to say she looks like a princess, and is definitely living like one! What an amazing birthday party for your sweet baby girl.
Sheri W. (Leilah Di and Olivia Xia's Mommy...and Mom to many more)

Mi Hilo Rojo said...

She is absolutely Gorgeus!!!!


Blessed Mom of Four AND More said...

She is absolutely beautiful!
Interesting, the same day we received our LOA, we had received photos of Ellie that morning.

And, I agree, the emotional hormones are there when you are adopting, for me, it seemed as much as when I was pregnant with my 2 bio kids.

Enjoy the ride,
mother of 5, one from Shanxi